Galileo Church

We seek and shelter spiritual refugees, rally health for all who come, and fortify every tender soul with the strength to follow Jesus into a life of world-changing service.


1. We do justice for LGBTQ+ humans, and support the people who love them.

2. We do kindness for people with mental illness and in emotional distress, and celebrate neurodiversity.

3. We do beauty for our God-Who-Is-Beautiful.

4. We do real relationship, no bullshit, ever.

5. We do whatever it takes to share this good news with the world God still loves.

Trying to find us IRL?
Mail here: P.O. Box 668, Kennedale, TX 76060
Worship here: 5 pm CT Sundays; 5860 I-20 service road, Fort Worth 76119

Trying to find our Sunday worship livestream?
click here!

The Greatest Expression

by Tracie Quinn, Cynthia Daniels, Audrey Kotzur, and Ashley Araki

“The greatest expression

of your faith is

helping other people.”

-Ricardo Martinez, Equality Texas

Hey Church! Thanks for sending us to the Texas Impact United Women of Faith conference in Austin. It’s an event and empowers and educates people for lobbying the Texas State Legislature on justice issues that our church cares about. Here’s what we learned!

First Things First

One of the clearest realizations we all had at this conference: we are ahead of the game compared to other churches when it comes to doing justice work! Galileo Church has been taking action in our community from the conception of Galileo Church. Be proud, church!

Your Story Matters

We all have a story about how a particular social-political issue impacts us or someone we love. Your story is unique to you and only you can tell that story. Whenever we express our concerns about issues, policies, and bills, to legislators, friends, or family, our story is powerful. Better than statistics! Better than logic! Your story can change hearts and minds. So, what is your story when it comes to the justice issues you care about most? Write it down, practice telling others, and be prepared to share.

Ricardo Martinez shared this story with us. An 8-year-old trans girl gave an anti-LGBTQ congressman a note that said, “Why are you trying to hurt me?” That congressman carried the note in his pocket for weeks.

At the end of the day did he vote differently? No. (Womp, womp.) But he thought about this child every day, and his heart was softened a bit.

These representatives are still people. We can talk to them and share with them, human to human. They work for us, remember?! Each time we email, call, send a note, or show up in person to share our story we are making a difference.

Something that wasn’t mentioned at the conference, but we think is important to say: safety concerns are real. You can share your story anonymously, or others can share your story on your behalf to keep you safe. Maybe you don’t feel ready to share your story. That’s ok too! Always do what makes you feel safe.

Different Parts, Same Body

Our most important take away: we all have a part to play in this justice work. Good ole 1 Corinthians 12 comes into play here – the one about the church like a body with different parts working together.

Maybe you are gifted in public speaking, or you like composing letters. Or maybe you are an investigative type and like to do that research. Maybe you have weekday freedom, or maybe you have more weekend availability. It takes many parts working together as one to get this hard work done.

Here are some of the parts, what we learned about them, and how you can start doing your part today.

•    Watch

Local watching includes finding your city website and watching agendas for your school board, library advisory board, and city council. Learn their meeting schedules. Pay attention. When you see issues come up that affect marginalized communities, share this information with Galileo’s Justice League, so we can share it with more people.

Statewide watching includes knowing when bills are working their way through the legislative process that will hurt marginalized communities. If you find out about one, share this information with Galileo’s Justice League. One good way to keep up: find a “legislative tracker” for the current session. Equality Texas has one here:

Know your Texas House representative and State senator. (Find yours here: Watch their videos, read their statements, and follow them on the socials. Know what they have said and know the bills they sponsor. Share relevant information with Galileo’s Justice League.

•    Write

Local writing includes sending letters, postcards, or emails to representatives in your city when new issues arise. They are all public figures and their email addresses are available on city websites.

Statewide writing includes sending letters, postcards, or emails to YOUR Texas House representative and State Senator about bills you agree or disagree with as they arise.

•    Phone

Local calling includes making phone calls to representatives in your city when new issues arise. Again: find office phone numbers on your city’s website. Be prepared to leave a message.

Statewide calling includes making phone calls to YOUR Texas House representative and State Senator about bills you agree or disagree with as they arise. Be prepared to leave a message with an aide who will write it down and share it with the rep.

•    Speak

Local speaking includes showing up to board or city council meetings in your city when justice issues arise, and signing up to make a prepared, succinct, civil public comment during the designated time. This can also look like showing up for meetings in solidarity (maybe wearing your favorite rainbow attire) without speaking. You can also use your voice by making an appointment with the city council member that represents you to talk face-to-face about any concerns you have. (Keep telling yourself: “They work for me!”)

Statewide speaking includes traveling to Austin to speak at the capitol when a committee is open for public comment on bills you agree/disagree with. This can also look like sharing your story anonymously to be read at the meeting. You can also make an appointment while visiting Austin with YOUR Texas House representative and State Senator for conversation about your concerns. (“They work for me!” Keep saying it!)

•    Join

The Galileo Justice League! We want you! We have a Facebook Group where we stay in touch about all the justice-y things. Link to join will be in the newsletter and in the “Open to All” Facebook group.

Texas Impact Groups. Texas Impact has legislative engagement groups, a phone bank team, a rapid response network, and issue champions who work on specific issues and meet weekly (and they do have a LBGTQ+ rights group). Link for their groups here:

The “All in for Equality” Advocacy Day at the Texas Capitol on March 20! Texas Impact, Equality Texas, and other orgs are cooperating in a giant rally in support of LGBTQ+ justice. Find out more and register here: (And then let us know you’re going, so we can carpool!)

Final Nugget

They kept stressing this: This is a marathon, not a sprint. We want justice and we want it now! But the government works in a red-tape, convoluted way. A very small portion of Texas lawmakers have been making decisions for decades and they have slowly put all of Texas in the shitty Christian nationalist boat we are in today. We imagine Jesus is in this boat with us. He’s probably napping. #typicaljesus

People at the conference kept saying this is a long race. We have bills that we are hopeful to pass and some of those we won’t see pass for another decade. We will keep doing what we can with the resources we have – different parts, one body. We will get there, church! God gets everything God wants, right?   

Let’s keep doing this good work, together.

Tracie, Cynthia, Audrey, and Ashley, for Galileo Church’s Justice League