We just can't put another photo on the Internet of the white, het-cis men who founded our denomination. So here's a picture of some roots (?) instead.
a little church history. you’re welcome.
If we say Galileo Church belongs to a denomination called Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), does that mean something to you? We hope it will — if not now, then someday.
The story goes, a Scottish Presbyterian named Alexander Campbell got caught up in church fights that drew smaller and smaller circles around who was “in” and who was “out.” Those who were “in” could have communion – that is, they could join in the Christian tradition of eating bread and drinking wine to remember Jesus and his remarkable life, death, and resurrection.
To prove yourself “in,” you had to pass a little test of worthiness, professing your undying loyalty to the tiny circle of religious rectitude. If you passed, you were rewarded a lead token that you could exchange for the eucharist, or the Lord’s Supper, or communion – the meal goes by many different names.
One Sunday Mr. Campbell couldn’t stand it anymore. The ridiculous “test” was keeping way too many people away from Jesus’ table. It seemed to him that whenever Jesus hosted a meal, everybody was welcome, especially those who could never have passed a test of religious worthiness in a million Sundays of trying. So he turned in his token, skipped the bread and cup, and went to join some other guys in the United States who were similarly disgusted with the circle-drawing games Christians play.
That all happened about 200 years ago. Over the years many more things have happened in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Some of them have been amazing, like being the first denomination in the WORLD to confirm a woman in the top leadership spot, or agreeing in the summer of 2013 to explicitly welcome people from the LGBTQ+ community into the life and ministry of the church. Some of them have been not so amazing, but we don’t have to go into that here. The truth will out.
But amazing or less-than-amazing, we “Disciples” (as we call ourselves for short) always come back to the table of our Lord. When we say that all are welcome here, we really mean ALL, no matter where you’ve come from or what you’ve done or what’s been done to you or what you haven’t figured out yet. We come because Jesus is doing the inviting, and we haven’t met anyone yet that Jesus wouldn’t eat with.
For more official ideas about where we come from and who we’re connected to, check out these links: