Every now and then we feel a call to respond to that seeks to provide pastoral care to our friends and co-conspirators.
A New Social Media Horizon, March 12, 2025. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
Spaces, Uses, Neurodiversity, and Noise, October 22, 2024. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
Summer Sabbatical 2024, May 21, 2024. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
On Recovering Sanctuary, October 13, 2023. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
G-Kids and Faith Formation, May 12, 2022. Remi Shores.
Waiting For Each Other, March 22nd, 2021. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
Still Online Only and it F***ing Sucks, August 26, 2020. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
Pride, Protest, and the Language of Lament, June 3, 2020. Remi Shores.
A Slow Plan for Regathering: The Most Conservative Thing We’ve Ever Done, April 28, 2020. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
The Church and the Corona Virus, March 9, 2020. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
Sharing Space With Champions & Survivors, October 9, 2019. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays, Galileo Missional Logistics Team, Galileo Spiritual Care Team. (Editors note: follow-up to this letter can be found on the Demi-Blog here: Something We Tried Didn’t Work).
To the Spiritual Refugees From the United Methodist Church, February 26, 2019. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
Big Things for 2019, February 1, 2019. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
To the Dearly Beloved Queer People of ACU, February 15, 2018. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.
After Sutherland Springs Mass Shooting, November 11, 2017. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays, Galileo Spiritual Care Team.
On Covenantal G-Groups, June 21, 2017. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays, Galileo Missional Logistics Team, Galileo Spiritual Care Team, Galileo pastoral staff.
After Trump’s Inauguration, February 3, 2017. Rev. Dr. Katie Hays.