Galileo Church

We seek and shelter spiritual refugees, rally health for all who come, and fortify every tender soul with the strength to follow Jesus into a life of world-changing service.


1. We do justice for LGBTQ+ humans, and support the people who love them.

2. We do kindness for people with mental illness and in emotional distress, and celebrate neurodiversity.

3. We do beauty for our God-Who-Is-Beautiful.

4. We do real relationship, no bullshit, ever.

5. We do whatever it takes to share this good news with the world God still loves.

Trying to find us IRL?
Mail here: P.O. Box 668, Kennedale, TX 76060
Worship here: 5 pm CT Sundays; 5860 I-20 service road, Fort Worth 76119

Trying to find our Sunday worship livestream?
click here!

Living Jesus: Pentecost!

On Pentecost Sunday, Galileo Church celebrated almost more than we could handle! A new baby born in the early hours of the morning... a rewedding for a family of 7... a Covenant of Co-Conspiracy and the commissioning of leaders... a concert by Paul Demer and his band... and a record-release party with enough BBQ to make you believe in the miraculous multiplication of loaves and fishes. To get a little taste, here's what you do:

1. Read Acts 2, most all of it, with all the excitement that story deserves. Which is a lot.

2. Listen to this five-minute sermon.

3. Have your own concert experience with Paul Demer's new release, "Canvas of Sky." You can stream it for free here.