We’re Gonna need a bigger boat
February 22, 2023 - March 26, 2023
Matthew’s gospel introduces us to Jesus’s ministry with more words than the other gospels. That is to say, Jesus is saying more than he usually does. And in these early sermons and conversations, we recognize the beginning of his downfall: he’s dangerously out of step with the status quo.
Let this Lenten season be a long warm-up to the rush of the Holiest Week, the establishment of an indictment against Jesus and his followers. When we travel with him, we risk the same good trouble.
The power to get more power. The temptation of Jesus in the desert can be read many ways, but what if we read it through the lens of using power to acquire more power? What if here Jesus is already demonstrating his unwillingness to work this system, to play the odds, to win friends and market share? We can imagine that his “yes” to any of these trials would have yielded a “successful” ministry…right?
No time to lay low. “When Jesus heard that John had been arrested…” There are lots of ways this story could go from here. It would be smart to keep your head down, stay off the radar of the powers that be. But Jesus starts building his organization, and traveling in a pack of broken- down riffraff who love him, but can’t protect him.
Blessed are the Dumbfucks. Perhaps a reprise of a sermon from several years ago? Jesus builds his team with losers and fuckups, and the blessings just keep coming. Can he be serious? Can we?
Picking a fight with “the hypocrites.” Who are they, “the hypocrites” that Jesus repeatedly says are not to be emulated? And – what is the difference between public piety vs. public witness? How easy is it to mistake religious expression for the justice God hopes we hunger for?
Today’s trouble is enough for today. Well now Jesus is picking a fight with me – all his glib talk about not worrying, about being more like a daisy or a sparrow than a real live human being with real live problems – a mortgage, a boss, a gender-diverse kid in a state that’s not safe, and so much more. Why does he provoke us with this “don’t worry, be happy” talk? What kind of life is he calling us to?