God’s passion for us… the lengths to which God will go to have us home.
To begin Holy Week, we paved the aisle in palms and read Luke's account of Jesus' suffering. Lance Pape (known to a few as Honeydog #1) preached. (He also built a cross for the sanctuary. He also sang tenor in a mostly a cappella rendition of "O Sacred Head." But it's the preaching we couldn't have done without.)
The gospel text: Matthew 27:62–28:10. Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!
Someone said I should post a photo of my C-section scar. I declined; aren't you glad? So this is me quoting Barbara Brown Taylor quoting Stanley Hauerwas: "Christianity is to have one's body shaped, one's habits determined, in such a way that the worship of God is unavoidable." From An Altar in the World, p.45. But mainly, this is me dealing with John dealing with Thomas dealing with Jesus. John 20:19-31.