Galileo Church

We seek and shelter spiritual refugees, rally health for all who come, and fortify every tender soul with the strength to follow Jesus into a life of world-changing service.


1. We do justice for LGBTQ+ humans, and support the people who love them.

2. We do kindness for people with mental illness and in emotional distress, and celebrate neurodiversity.

3. We do beauty for our God-Who-Is-Beautiful.

4. We do real relationship, no bullshit, ever.

5. We do whatever it takes to share this good news with the world God still loves.

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Mail here: P.O. Box 668, Kennedale, TX 76060
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Holy Week 2022: Easter Sunday

He is risen; he is risen indeed! But why does that matter?

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Gird Up Your Loins 5/5

The restoration. So much of this book is deeply unpleasant – God’s anger unto wrath, the notion that God pulls geopolitical strings to punish and reward – but Jeremiah is clear that God’s punishment is for the sake of the people’s restoration, rather than an end in itself. We can reject (or at least question) the notion that God is orchestrating global events to teach anybody a lesson, but still take the promise of our “return” and the language of “new covenant” as a promise for us. 

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Gird Up Your Loins 4/5

The economy of rest. In the middle of all the devastating geopolitical conflict, with intra-Judah political conflict and Jeremiah’s own life often in danger, comes a rant about the people’s failure to hallow the Sabbath – like, just take a day off. It’s that damned economic pressure, and the lie that we cannot “afford” to rest. The flourishing God has in mind for God’s people will not come because they work incessantly; it will come when they have enough trust in God to actually lay down their burdens every once in a while.

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Gird Up Your Loins 3/5

The sorrow. Jeremiah expresses the ache of the heart that accompanies his visions. He both understands how things ought to be; and how very far reality is from God’s ideal. Theologians surmise that “the weeping prophet” (as Jeremiah is called) is actually God’s emotional surrogate, expressing the deep grief of God’s own heart at the brokenness of the world God loves.  

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Gird Up Your Loins 2/5

The Indictment. Among other things, Jeremiah indicts Judah (on God’s behalf) for their economic practices – not just individual offenses committed against the poor, but an economic system that favors the rich and ignores (or tramples) the needy. And the religious establishment supports it all (v. 31). Watch out, says the prophet! It is appalling! Like, God seems *actually* shocked. There’s just not too much that makes God mad like this.

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Deep Water: Contemplating Baptism 7/7

The Centurion’s Pais. Oh this is a hard story, given all that we now know about enslavement, about sex between slaveowner and enslaved person, about power differentials… Does Jesus know these things? Is it a lovely story about queer love, or a painful story about Jesus’s tacit endorsement of a caste system? How do we recover a story like this from under layers of new understanding? What does it mean for us now? Could a sermon be a teaching opportunity for critical thinking/reading that is still faithfully exploring Jesus’s identity? Like, “Here is reading #1… here is reading #2… here is reading #3… here is what it means to receive the complications and confusion without losing your mind or your faith…”

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

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A Life Well-Lived. Someone said about Betty White, “Live your life so that when you die at 99, they will say it was too soon.” I say about Dan Patrick, “Live your life so that when you get Covid, no one will rejoice over your suffering and hope for your demise.” These little picture-stories from Jesus are about the quality of a life well-lived on the foundations of his example – what does it look like? In whom, other than him, have we seen it? Also, we dedicated a baby this Sunday!

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Deep Water: Contemplating Baptism 5/7

Blessings and Woes, Love and Hate. There’s an economic punch in the Sermon on the Plain – “blessed are the poor/hungry; woe to the rich/well-fed.” But there’s also this reputational component – do people speak well of you (woe!), or defame your character (bless!)? The relationship between those two is worth exploring, as we (still) tend to villainize the poor and assume good things about the wealthy. I don’t mean the super-wealthy – just the normally wealthy, as if they followed the rules and worked hard and blah blah blah. This is the lie of capitalism – that good people can prove their goodness by working the system to their advantage. Jesus calls bullshit.

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New Wine, New People, New Practice. Levi throws a party for Jesus; it makes people mad. Jesus eats and drinks all the time; it makes people suspicious. He’s experiencing too much joy with all the wrong people, and religion shouldn’t feel that way? His metaphor about wine and wineskins means new people, new practice. “It’s supposed to be delicious, you dingbats.” 

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Deep Water: Contemplating Baptism 3/7

Deep Water. This is Luke’s story alone, where Jesus invites potential disciples to fish in the “deep water.” Can we talk about that allegorically? Like, what is the deep water of our own Christian discipleship? Deeper than “going to church,” deeper than a list of do’s and don’t’s, deeper contemplation of God’s power and presence than we’ve been invited to before… 

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Deep Water: Contemplating Baptism 2/7

This episode of That’s What She Said features an original song written by Emma J, a musician from Alabama who found us on TikTok and joined our Inside Out livestream worship community. They recently released an EP, Generation Now, and you can check it out on Spotify here:


Good News? It Depends. We come back to this message again and again at Galileo: the gospel is good news or terrible news depending on the position of the hearer. If you’re waiting to hear that God especially loves you, and hates all the same people you hate, it’s gonna sting. This is the inaugural event of Jesus’s ministry in Luke’s gospel, and it makes his hearers so mad they try to kill him – already! 

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Baby Driver 8/8

Son of God, Son of Humanity. This is Jesus, blissfully in tune with God and the human family, the mediator who understands us both, the peacemaker, the one who stands in the gap, Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets to Live In.

To tell us your thoughts on this sermon, click through to the web posting and leave us a comment. Or, find us on social media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, email us the old-fashioned way: To contribute financially to the ongoing ministry of Galileo Church, find us on VenmoPatreon, or PayPal, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76140.

Baby Driver 7/8

The kids are all right. If last Sunday honored the long lifetime wait, this Sunday speaks to the possibility of youth as a revelation of what God is going to do next. Here, God is revealed as Jesus’s “father” (much to Joseph’s chagrin, I imagine), and we catch the foreshadowing of his provocative engagement with scripture and VRPs as he begins to imagine what comes next.

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Baby Driver 6/8

What if we wait our whole lives... We live accelerated lives. Everything is fast. But the life of faith is s-l-o-w. On God’s timeline, you could wait your whole life, fasting and praying in the temple, for one glimpse of one baby, and say “I can die now.” We’re invited to see our lives, our generation, as one in a long line of the faithful, stretching out behind and before us, like Simeon, like Anna.

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Baby Driver 5/8

The nobility of the shitty job. Out of everybody the angels could have appeared to that night – shepherds! Was everyone else too busy to see them? Too focused to look up? In bed, with the privilege of daytime work? Could we find here a redemption of our own shitty jobs – the ones we’ve had, the ones we have now? Does God’s favor extend to people who are working tonight, on Christmas Eve?

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Baby Driver 4/8

Beautiful losers. Mary is nobody from nowhere, young and in trouble, no Planned Parenthood in sight, her life basically over. But she sings of her own empowerment, of the advantage that comes to those who are last in this world. God’s imagined future is her fuel. 

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Baby Driver 3/8

New regime, new economy. John’s instructions to those who ask how to prepare for the coming messiah are all economic (vv. 10-14). How does Jesus coming into the world and into our lives disrupt our own economies?

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