Galileo Church

We seek and shelter spiritual refugees, rally health for all who come, and fortify every tender soul with the strength to follow Jesus into a life of world-changing service.


1. We do justice for LGBTQ+ humans, and support the people who love them.

2. We do kindness for people with mental illness and in emotional distress, and celebrate neurodiversity.

3. We do beauty for our God-Who-Is-Beautiful.

4. We do real relationship, no bullshit, ever.

5. We do whatever it takes to share this good news with the world God still loves.

Trying to find us IRL?
Mail here: P.O. Box 668, Kennedale, TX 76060
Worship here: 5 pm CT Sundays; 5860 I-20 service road, Fort Worth 76119

Trying to find our Sunday worship livestream?
click here!

Sometimes, you just want to learn a little bit about...Baptism. Or, Eschatology (like, what does that mean?). Or, Co-Conspiracy. That's how Galileo talks about membership, but what does that mean, really? Below, you'll find a list of topics we've preached on in alphabetical order.

Right now, the collection includes sermons from June 2016 through February 2018. We're still working on getting it current, and then bringing it further back (we've been preaching since 2013, y'all!). To contribute financially to the ongoing project, find us on Venmo, Patreon, or PayPal (, or just send a check to 6563 Teague Rd., Fort Worth, TX 76410.

If you have questions, or can't find the topic you're looking for, email us. We're always happy to hear from you.


Is There A Sermon On...

This is one of the topics where we don't always use the fancy word itself. Eschatology is the study of the End Times. It's the study of the "Eschaton," or, "The Day," as it's often translated. "On that day..." Isaiah and the propehts of old talked about it, Jesus talked about it, and we keep talking about it. We talk about it as the day on which God Gets Everything God Wants. Sometimes we get little pieces of it...that Reign of Godness that we all crave. There are a few categories, listed below, that talk about eschatology, even if they don't use the fancy word.

See: "God Gets Everything God Wants (Yes, Really!)"

And: "Wanting What God Wants (Because we wanna want that, right?)"

And: "What God Wants (Like, what will it look like when GGEGW?)"

And... The One About THE DAY